All prices presented by us include all local taxes and rates. In order to secure your booking, www.madeirarural.com asks you for a deposit, in the amount of 15% of the value of the accommodation being booked. The deposit will be fully refunded in case of cancellation within 30 days prior to arrival date. This deposit constitutes the assurance for www.madeirarural.com that the booking made in our system is reliable and that the client intends to acquire the service.
Attention: In case of legal action the Portuguese Legislation in force shall apply, and Funchal district court shall be chosen. All services rendered by the respective units are the responsibility thereof.
Aiming at improving the services provided, Madeira Rural, Associação de Turismo em Espaço Rural, keeps a database with the record of its users. The data included in this database is solely constituted by the information provided by the users themselves upon their bookings. The information is gathered and automatically processed under the terms approved by the Comissão Nacional de Protecção de Dados (National Commission of Data Protection), and by Associação de Turismo em Espaço Rural (Rural Tourism Association), the entity accountable for the corresponding record file, with headquarters located at Rua do Esmeraldo nº 41, 9000-051 Funchal, Madeira, Portugal. The data included in the record can be used exclusively for client management purposes of www.madeirarural.com. Therefore, all the information included in your record is strictly confidential and shall be used solely to serve you the best way possible, and to create offers that adapt to your interests. In addition, Madeira Rural shall never disclose your record data to third parties, nor will it support any kind of promotions that have nothing directly to do with the type of accommodation it makes available. Pursuant to Law no. 67/98, of 26th October, the users can access to their data at any time. They can request in writing directly to http://www.madeirarural.com the update, correction or deletion of this information. All associates at www.madeirarural.com, responsible for the treatment of personal data, within the scope of the introduction of data in the respective information base, are bound to the secrecy and confidentiality terms regarding the data to which they have access, being dully informed of the importance of the fulfilment of this legal duty of secrecy and of the requirement regarding their corresponding accountability.